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  • Heat Exchangers

Thermo Ducha

Thermo Pet

El Thermo Pet es un calentador de agua diseñado para suplir agua tibia a la hora de bañar a su mascota. Se conecta a un tomacorriente de 110V y la manguera a cualquier llave de agua y está listo para utilizarse. Además cuenta con diferentes cabezales y permite regular la temperatura del agua para la comodidad de su mascota.


¿Cómo usar el Thermo Pet?

Thermo Master Pro

Thermo Master

The Thermo Master is an electronic tankless water heater that allows you to adjust the temperature between 35 º C and 55 º C in the control panel, while it automatically adjusts the power consumption based on the selected temperature.

Super Economatic

High recovery tank, designed to supply the demand of hot water on houses with one or two bathrooms, his 6 gls inner tank, allows it to recover the heat between the showers.

Mantenedor para Jacuzzi


Instant water heater, designed to supply the demand of hot water in houses with two bathrooms. Compact size, ideal for houses with limited space.


El calentador solar Zenit funciona como un intercambiador de calor, donde el agua almacenada en estado caliente transfiere energía calórica al agua paso por el serpentín de cobre, utilizando la transferencia de calor por conducción.

A medida que el sol calienta los tubos colectores al vacío, el agua almacenada aumenta su temperatura, esta disminuye su peso específico, se dilata y se vuelve más ligera; de este modo tiende a subir a la parte superior del tanque, mientras que el agua fría que es más pesada, pasa a la parte baja de los tubos donde comienza a calentarse.

Thermosiphon System

The thermosiphon effect is a circular thermic movement in which the higgest the temperature difference is between the water in the collector and the water that is stored in the tank, the faster the water will flow through the circuit.


The thermosiphon effect is a circular thermic movement in which, the bigger is the temperature difference between the water in the collector and the water that is stored in the tank, the faster the water flows through the circuit.

As the sun heats the collector, the stored water increases it's temperature, decreases it's specific weight and becomes lighter; that way it goes up to the top of the tank, while the cold water, which is heavier, goes down to the bottom of the collector where it begins to increase its temperature.

The water cycle is natural, and there is no need for a pump.

Titan Plus

Instant high recovery electric heater, designed to provide improved efficiency and space saving. Made for residential use, provides hot water instantly with a delivery capacity of 8 liters per minute.

Thermo Plus

Thermo plus

The Thermo Plus has seven different power options depending on the user’s preference. The electric consumption of the heater goes along with the selected position. It has a temperature sensor in the water output so it shows the water temperature on the display.

Besides the connection to ground to avoid damages on the heater, the Thermo Plus counts with an ELCB device, that detects minimal electric currents avoiding electric shocks.


Water heater designed to supply the demand of hot water in very short periods of time, low consumption electric element. The timer allows to set specific hours of electric consumption to manage the water delivery when required.
Tanque de 20 gls, 30 gls, 40 gls, con válvula de seguridad, ánodo de sacrificio, con pintura electrostática para evitar corrosión, con accesorios probador de ánodo, timer, termómetro.

Vertical Travomatic

Water heater designed to supply the demand of hot water in very short periods of time, low consumption electric element if used with a timer.

The tanks start up from 12gls, they are covered in electrostatic paint, with a glass fiber aisle and anode rod.


Tankless gas water heater, designed to provide hot water immediately using LPG or propane gas, ISO 9001 certified.

Has an electric turning on system, with emergency turn off in case of reaching high temperatures, designed to hang it on the wall, to work with low water pressures.

Thermo MAX

Tankless water heater, efficient, easy to install, power saving. Has a safety device to avoid electric shocks and a double thermostat system to control overheating and avoid water burns.

Full set: Reverse Osmosis Purifiers

5 phases purification system, this model has a pressure pump, a storage container from 9 to 10 lts (3,2G nominal), includes chrome finished faucet, a 50 GPD Filmtec™ reverse osmosis membrane (optional: 75 and 100 GPD ) and all the components needed for a standard installation.

Reverse osmosis is the most convenient and effective method to purify water plus it doesn’t add any chemical substance. After receiving a pre-treatment the water goes through a synthetic semipermeable membrane with 0-0001 micron holes. There’s no other system in the market reaching this filtration level.

Equipped with 5 treatment phases, so that you and your family can enjoy of consuming and cooking with great quality water to a reasonable price.



Full set: Twin ¼

Smart design that contains a sediment cartridge, a carbon block cartridge, a luxury tap, and the installation kit.


Full set: Twin ½

Centralized purifying system for the whole house, it comes with 20” containers and ¾” connections, a sediment cartridge and a carbon block cartridge.


P/Housing shower component

Includes KDF: Eliminates chlorine and heavy metals. Calcium sulphite: Avoids tartar. Active ceramics: Eliminates chlorine and tartar. Active carbon: Eliminates chlorine and derivatives. ^^Ferrita aniso trópica Magnética^^: Changes the water ionic charge. Polypropylene fiber: filters solids.

Sulfito de calcio: Evita la formación de sarro.

Cerámica Activa: Elimina cloro y sarro.

Carbón Activo: Elimina cloro y derivados.

Ferrita aniso trópica Magnética: Cambia la carga iónica del agua.

Fibra de polipropileno: Filtra solidos.

Imaginare Water Dispenser

Sistema de microfiltración con un volumen de 1.4 litros. Con opción para temperatura ambiente y a 10 grados centígrados.

FIC Pedestal Water Dispenser

5 phases filtration system, cold and hot water dispenser.

Comes with a pre-filter that retains particles and with C+3 system which is a triple filtrating reposition system that eliminates impurities, unpleasant smells and chlorine taste.

Stainless Steel Pedestal Water Dispenser

Purified water dispenser with a double system to dispense water, a 5 lts storage, an Astec lbbl filter, with sediment and carbon phases

Hanging Water Dispenser

Surgical stainless steel fountain.

Comes with a stainless steel cabinet and a proper structure to install on the wall, a stainless steel pressurized tap, drainage with a siphon and a system to block unpleasant odors that come from the drain.


UV Light Component

6 phases radiation design with 2 GPM capacity, ¼” connection, UV lamp, quartz case and UV lamp’s fail indicator.

When bacteria, virus and protozoa are exposed to the germicidal waves of the UV light, they become incapable of reproducing and infect.

American Water Heater

Gas tank water heater, With polyurethane foam aisle, POS inner tank, safety valve, with protected elements to avoid rusting by gas combustion, anode rod y ^TERMOSTATO DE CORTE POR TEMPERTURA^

Ao Smith

Thermo Solutions es distribuidor autorizado para comercializar calentadores comerciales de la marca AO Smith que es uno de los principales fabricantes del mundo de calentadores residenciales y comerciales, que ofrece una línea de
productos completa con las marcas más conocidas en América del Norte.
Estos calentadores son para uso Comercial, Industrial y Hotelero.

Horizontal Travomatic

Water heater designed to supply the demand of hot water in very short periods of time, low consumption electric element if used with a timer.

The tanks start up from 12gls, they are covered in electrostatic paint, with a glass fiber aisle and anode rod.

Mini Tank

The Mini Tank is designed specifically to deliver hot water at the right temperature for applications where the lack of hot water lines or far distances difficult the installation of a regular water heater, the Mini Tank is a practical solution to this kind of situations.

Application examples:

  • Beauty salons
  • Restrooms in tall buildings
  • RV's
  • Motor homes
  • Restaurants
  • Health and medical facilities
  • Cabins
  • Sinks in houses where the hot water route is too long.

To reach the best performance, the device must be placed as close as possible to the water output.

Direct Circulation System

This system has a solar panel located on the roof or on structures designed for its installation, also includes an accumulation tank usually placed in the machine rooms or garage.

Este sistema requiere de una bomba de recirculación y un controlador solar inteligente, que ayuda al flujo de agua entre
el colector solar y el tanque, además de controlar el arranque/paro del sistema de respaldo.

It’s a solution for the industry (hotels, restaurants) that have a big demand on hot water.

Trío Spa

A water heater for bath tubs, it has great power, and occupies a small place, it has a water 1 ½” input and output,and a power adjustment feature to maintain the desired temperature.

Eco Thermo

El ECO THERMO es un calentador que trabaja con una unidad de aire acondicionado o refrigeración. Consiste en un tanque de acumulación de agua caliente, aislado con espuma de poliuretano y un intercambiador de calor en la parte superior donde se da la transferencia de calor del gas refrigerante y el agua pero estas dos nunca entran en contacto directo.

Eco Thermo Heat Exchanger

El ECO THERMO es un calentador que trabaja con una unidad de aire acondicionado o refrigeración. Consiste en un tanque de acumulación de agua caliente, aislado con espuma de poliuretano y un intercambiador de calor en la parte superior donde se da la transferencia de calor del gas refrigerante y el agua pero estas dos nunca entran en contacto directo.

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